
15 Cats

We were at a giant beach house and I had to shave my legs. I was being lazy though so I put on Veet, and left it on for too long because my mother insisted I go to the bank. It was where Sweet Tomatoes is, next to the bike shop. I was wearing pants over the foam crap and had to get back quickly, but they wouldn't give me quarters. I was upset about this. 

Gus was at the beach house and he wanted to get out. The kittens had to be returned to Lindsay who was playing a MMORPG that was revolving around a theater. Mike Page from work was stage crew by himself but he kept screwing up. I was in the game but not controlled by it. 

Lindsay's computer started to die and suddenly I was in her room, which was not her room, and Jupiter and Donovan were there as well as two more kittens (who were really kittens), and I was asking if I couldn't have them back because I would be lonely in the giant beach house. 

I hadn't taken off the Veet, so my legs were still all hairy. 

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