
10 Panic

Jasper had cancer, and for some reason everyone was fine with it. Jasper even decided that instead of dying feeling ill, his friend was going to shoot him. I was not pleased. I kept yelling at him. I cried. Jasper seemed perfectly fine, but he had lost his phone.

I was at North, but it was New North looking exactly like Old North. I was an RA, but I kept seeing people with alcohol and ignoring it. I was in a French class that I was failing. The teacher kept writing me notes at the bottom of quizzes that I did horribly on, and telling me that I couldn't fail her class.

One of the girls in my class who looked like Abby, from my creative writing class, asked me if I wanted some whiskey, but I heard 'to bake some biscuits' and then I didn't want to seem stupid so I followed her. Only there were officials so I bailed on her because I really needed my RA job and hoped she would understand.

I found Jasper's phone and got mad at him. One of the keys was missing, but I could put it back in instead of paying attention in French. A girl behind me found out Obama became president.


09 Fear of Flying

We were going to somewhere in South America and I was excited. Matt and Maddie were there and we were talking about Harry Potter. I was on campus and it was raining but I needed to pack, and I needed my passport. I got my passport and put it in my bag, but it was my British passport and not my American one and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get back into the country.

We were at the airport, and the airline was one I had never heard of. I didn't check a bag. We had to go underground and then wander around some deep part of the airport. It was a mixture of BWI, Dulles, and Heathrow. Finally we got to the stop, and I realized I had forgotten my passport.

Panic. I need to go back. I need to get on the airplane. I get on without my passport deciding that I will make it work. The airplane is giant. There are classrooms in it, and Mrs. Montgomery from eighth grade is in one dark room and she knows I don't have my passport. She yells at me and I run off the plane and into Kat. We need to get my passport.

It was in my bag the whole time.